Being a Lady, however, is not really about how you dress or how you look so much as it is about your character. How do you view yourself, the world, and those around you and how do you act towards them? Below I have come up with a description about what I think it means to be a Lady although I am sure there are things that I have missed.
A lady tries to put the feelings of others before her own. She is polite and
respectful. She assumes responsibility for her actions. She goes out of her way
to protect the dignity of others. She uses her strengths to gently infuse
comfort and warmth into the lives of others. She keeps her given word. She is
trustworthy. She conducts herself with grace and self-respect. She appreciates
and accepts the courtesy paid to her by a gentleman. She does not seek to rise
above him, but rather supports him – if he is a real gentleman – and defers to
I don't know about you but I find this to be an intimidating model to follow! Nevertheless, it is something I would like to strive to be even though I'm sure it will take the rest of my life to even come close. You cannot achieve, however, what you do not attempt. What do you think it means to be a Lady?